Wednesday, November 29, 2006

For a Stranger

at some point
cells decided
to divide;
a greedy,
molecular army

knives and hands
do battle against
what is unseen;
an invisible
invasive foe

Thursday came

he was happy
just to get out of -
his four walls
the new battle

it didn't matter
that no one knew
what to say

drugs numb
the skin, tender
around the incision

but are worthless
at helping him
maintain small talk,
make conversation

his mind walks
the line inside -
pacing with anger,
dread, fear, and
resolve at better

again, intangible

I visualize the
small army

moving away,
pulling back,

it's the least I can do


Monday, November 13, 2006

No Title

I am trying to draw;

post cards and layers of scribbled
mess and paper cover the table -
there for inspiration as if
it were easy, as if its what I do
every day

four days I have thought and worked;
no closer to a decision than I was a week ago

poetry is nothing like this; it invades me -
a possessive lover sneaking up behind

words fall through the top of my head
like coffee drip-drip-dripping
into my morning pot

they hang heavy in the steam
of my morning shower,
taunting me

I capture them on the mirror,
half-wet and shivering,
only to lose them by the time
I’ve dressed

words are my art

traveling through me like
a brush or pencil put to paper

breaking through to my finger tips,
like tears, lightening bolts, or flowers

I wish I could draw them

Saturday, November 11, 2006


lips soft small smile
sweetly kiss fingers 
your mouth whispers 
here love 

any words are 
everything to set me 
smiling larger as I melt 
like smiles in eyes 
that see me as 
Botticelli may have 

your laugh as beauteous a sound 
as the prayer he made on wood 

Monday, August 28, 2006

Jade Tree Me

I am succulent
holding water
when skies refuse
a gift of sun, rain
anything certain
thick to the core,
rooted in what
I need
fleshy, whole,
lushly green
from within
I only need a little;
just a little...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Any Girl

she wears
the wild

on the inside;
no one knows
(so no one knows)

her shortest
walk is to
the edge

like need


the ink
still bleeds

Heather Reed 2006

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


the eye that
is my mind

a camera's
shutter I can't

unfiltered, captured
committed before
there's time to
turn away

I am part darkroom

processing, soaking
sifting in solution

with resolution
comes clarity,
without -
the pain of
wasted effort

beauty lost,
what I might
have learned
vanished, erased

still the absence of
committed to
my internal paper


he asked me once
how is it you can
carry all this -
this weight
upon your back

or as metaphor-
neither matters

what he sees
is smoke and mirrors,
I fool so many

my heart today gray
with restriction

grace and ease-
peace of mind
elusive as the wisp
of song on someone's
radio, blocks away

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Spring's Cleaning

The varigated willows
bend beneath my hands;
they've missed me

Like children, leggy
and wayward, their
tender leaves curve
to my hands gently
setting limits

softening the earth,
my fingers
meet earthworms

enthusiastic and satiated;
necessary, welcome friends

without thought,
I become the quiet
of their days

my bones soften;
a curved smile
and cheek turn to sun

and expectant
as my willows

Heather Reed

Monday, March 27, 2006


right now everything in me is sinking in you your need like heavy water pulling me deeper to depths where even I can't swim; consider this when you cry for help at some point the lifeguard in me is helpless with words you could very easily drown me too won't you ever learn to swim Heather Reed 2005

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Bitter Awareness

a woman bends
over her child
to place a kiss

on sweet, dark hair;
sweaty with work
and thinking

her lips taste
the salty link

past and future
mothers and daughters

right now,
this is everything;

and all she can attend to

not knowing
how many tomorrows
if any, remain,
she has no time
for pleasant
vague, and vapid

no words big enough
to explain the way she feels

impatient fear eats at her
the poison within -
that arrived
like winter darkness,
in spite of taking care,
being thoughtful,

y and whole

hundreds of pink ribbons
her, like tiny ropes
tightening about her heart

bitterly aware,
her mantra
and uncontrolled
cut it o
ut, cut it off

Heather Reed 2005

Monday, March 13, 2006

Homeless 1979

Towels draped inner windows;
the beige four-door of indistinct model
straddled two spaces in the Sears lot
emptied and dirtied from another day's big spending

before urban legends, she was a rumor;
illegible as wavy cursive
penciled on wrinkled paper
smudged - neglected - discarded

12:30 am, coldly autumn;
the fable, reality up-close

through windows I tried to see her;
huddled, folded into corners
of a cluttered back seat

towels as walls, bench seat as sofa;
an aching stomach and layered coats
were meals remembered;
embraces imagined

tears gripped my throat;
icy rain tore at
her cracked windshield
of ragged journey

pierced and paralyzed,
I understood nothing;
just the hopeless sadness
of seeing her,
homeless and hungry

Hutchinson, Kansas 1979

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

February Morning

it's still February,
the darkest of months

dreary mornings,
autopilot days
stuck in rewind

clouds race above
to some other place,
better than this;
intent on not taking us

walls inside
the color of
skies outside,
bleak and gray

I suffocate in rooms
with air thick
like heavy blankets
wrapped and twisted,
I am too warm,
hopeless and stagnant

suddenly this morning
a bird sang-

reminding me
it's almost March

the sky, and me,
are happier for it

Heather Reed 2005

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Eight or Eighty

at eight he trusted
everything about her

sheets slapped
happily cool,
taunting the heat,
heavy like cheeks
reddened with fever

lavender soap
melted, dripping
like petals onto
a vegetable garden
of beans and beets
tossed against the
porcelain, vibrant
like a summer salad

he held his breath,
toes splayed like
tubers spreading
across the bottom
of the pond

rooted there,
he felt safest

her hair gossamer
above him, eyes
a prairie’s bluest sky,
calmly watching over

at eighty,
he saw the yellowed
grasses wave

and willed her return
like a child begging
the rain to stop

an orphan adrift;
longing for home -

finally she came -
hands in her apron
reaching for a cinnamon;
he folded into her

behind his eyes
the bubbles rise,
escaping to the surface

again beneath
the fondest smile

heather r. reed 011006

Sunday, January 08, 2006


the eye that
is my mind

a camera's
shutter I can't

unfiltered, captured
committed before
there's time to
turn away

I am part darkroom

processing, soaking
sifting in solution

with resolution
comes clarity,
without -
the pain of
wasted effort

beauty lost,
what I might
have learned
vanished, erased

still the absence of
committed to
my internal paper