Saturday, May 28, 2022


your hands float above me;
magician with velvet cloth

your intentions strings
that levitate me
with a polar force

suspended, not bound, 
i hang with bliss

senseless to all 
save the sensation 
of heavy floating want

You are Beloved

you are beloved
admired from 
a distance and
closer than you know 

to some one 
you are the 
laughter of bliss
lit from heart center 
a dream, remembered

your lover wears 
another face 

all's been said, 
translated on 
on raised fibers 
of braille letters
caressed on 
leathered paper

you are 
some one's 


Paperwhite You

Forced to push 
through tangled
tender roots. 

How hard 
your bloom 
in winter's 

Your fair skin 
luminescent beneath
December's wise moon.
She knows death,
and all we lose. 

You share secrets.
She whispers to you 
on the longest night.

Your blood courses, 
aligned with her
inevitable trip.

Behind sad eyes,
I see rebirth with 
each month's pass.

You cannot love sun
without her sister, 
but they will 
never force you. 

You'll grow more 
beautiful as all
of you blooms.


I am a glorious
round sweet pea

on your tongue
you roll me

savor, taste
the meat of me

honor the succulent
earth in me 

see me for
the pea I be